BREMBY 2.0 is a HUGE SCAMUpdate on 23/05/2022.The project (according to them) started again today at 9.00. They wrote that our deposits are safe. And there is $ 1,000,000 insurance to cover any losses.I just logged in. My deposit account has been CLEARED. I have lost all my investments and earnings. And they would like me to invest more money with them again or even worse to make my friends, relatives or acquaintances invest money through the referal link.Totally useless to contact support and assistance (either via Telegram, on Facebook or via email) no one will answer you. What they write on their site is not real.Scam on scam.Don't invest a single dollar with these THIEVES:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::Aggiornarmento al 23/05/2022.Il progetto ( secondo loro ) è ripartito oggi alle 9.00. Hanno scritto che i nostri depositi sono al sicuro. E esiste un'assicurazione di 1.000.000 di dollari per coprire eventuali perdite. Mi sono appena loggato il mio conto deposito è stato AZZERATO. Ho perso tutti i miei investimenti e i miei guadagni. E loro vorrebbero che io investissi di nuovo altri soldi con loro o ancora peggio far investire soldi ai miei amici, parenti o conoscenti tramire il link referal.Totalmente inutile contattare il supporto e l'assistenza ( sia tramite Telegram, sia su Facebook o via email) non ti risponderà nessuno. Quello che scrivono sul loro sito sono tutte cavolateTruffa su truffa.Non investite un solo dollaro con questi LADRI.
It's very interesting that every business that wants to disappear gets an attack before, which of course they can't avoid. The other characteristic is: pay in as much as you can or get someone to pay in and then you get your money back in the future. Well I say NOBODY should pay this company!!!! Find a decent company instead!
SCAM and FRAUDToday they made an indecent communication they haveonce everything is cleared, you have to create a new account and start from scratch.Do not even consider the newcomers, I stupidly did the$ 2000 plan day 11 day 14 they blocked everything, this morning the nice surprise, get away from these scammers they have no mercy for anyone.
Company stop paying on 13/05/2022 without say nothing, went silent on social and support (cleared and closed all telegram chat).Now return with a foggy statement and asking to restart from zero because your funds are safe, but not enough safe for the insurance to give you back.... but.... are safe ... or not? .. LOL.... SCAM AND RETURN AS FRAUD. Invest at your risk to lose all.Find community on telegram before considering investing there.
SCAM. That's it. They opened in October 2021, then closed everything, with all the money gone, on 15th May 2022, asking people to start again and try to make up their loss by building a network of referrals. So, they basically admitted to be a Ponzi Scheme: not even the shame of hiding it...